Cincinnati Five Element Reiki

Cincinnati Five Element Reiki & Acupressure

How Can Reiki Help You?

Five Element Reiki

Five Element Reiki is the result of over 30 years of study and application of the source knowledge of Reiki as discovered by collaborative research & practice. It is a bridging of modern Reiki session work with this knowledge.

Five Element theory (classical) refers to the Taoist concept of Five Elements. This is part of the core knowledge of many practices, such as Martial Arts, energy work (Chi Gong), Classical Chinese Medicine, and Taoist spiritual practices. Its most rudimentary form is from about 3,500 years ago. There is an Indian Ayurvedic version as well, which has strong similarities and other connections. It’s important to note that the word “element” used here is not used with the same meaning as in modern physics; that being a substance with a single atomic structure. 

Five Element describes five root qualities of life force energy cycles (or phases) in Nature, including organic and inorganic matter, and therefore in the bodies of physical beings as well. It is an integrative model addressing physicality to spirituality. In modern terms, it is a very workable “meta-description” of the natural processes of life. It is not perfect, but it has deep implications when understood in connection to Reiki practice.

Reiki exists today in many forms, or systems, like Karuna Reiki and Usui-Tibetan Reiki. These typically represent a blending of Reiki teachings as they have existed in the west with teachings from other systems and philosophies. There are also other branches of Reiki in Japan which developed over time since the founder’s passing.

Traditional Japanese Reiki

Traditional Japanese Reiki is a close reconstruction of Reiki as it was originally practiced in Japan during the early part of the 20th century.  Reiki is first and foremost, a personal practice of wellness facilitation as well as a way of helping others through it’s techniques and principles.  My study of Traditional Japanese Reiki, beginning in 1998,  accelerated the process of moving deeper into the roots of Reiki, and resulted in the development of the Five Element Reiki practice.

Many of the practices that holistic practitioners use today have their roots in Taoist Five Element theory, meridian theory, Ayurveda, TCM (which includes acupuncture and acupressure) and other health and healing practices which were developed from these bodies of knowledge. That is also the case with modern massage techniques, and even techniques like EFT, or Tapping. In the past few hundred years, as East and West have very slowly come closer together, a wider exchange of  this knowledge has been made possible. Explore this website for more details, and thanks for visiting!

Cincinnati Five Element Reiki – Bruce Davis

 To schedule a session appointment, or ask a question, call: 513-681-1655.

Reiki session appointments must be scheduled by phone only.  We are unable to accept walk-ins.


Serving the Cincinnati and surrounding area

Copyright 1993-2025 Five Element Reiki – Bruce Davis

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